Mon.Jun 17, 2024

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Six imperatives for credit unions to secure their future

McKinsey Public & Social Sector Insights

Credit union members are aging, and young people tend to see these institutions less favorably than their elders do. Here are six strategies for bringing in younger members to weather the years ahead.

Security 130
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The great Salt Lake City tax tradeoff


In a few weeks, the city council will be voting on a 0.5% sales tax to support economic development downtown. But it’s not the money that is drawing all the attention, it’s what the city is giving up.


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GGRF Provides $27 Billion for Clean Energy Projects. Here’s How Cities Can Access It

NLC (National League of Cities)

The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), created through the Inflation Reduction Act, is a $27 billion investment in clean energy deployment nationally. It aims to ensure that low-income and historically marginalized communities have fair access to programs that will create good-paying jobs for the future while reducing local air pollution and energy bills.

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An overlooked tool for chipping away at the opioid crisis


Too few states are assessing residents for substance use disorders, a practice that one expert says could get drug users into treatment earlier.

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Empower Digital Government: Strategic Workbook for Modern Transformation

Digital transformation is reshaping government interactions, bringing agencies closer to the communities they serve. However, while many have adopted new digital tools, few have implemented comprehensive strategies to maximize their benefits. Our Strategic Workbook for Modern Government offers a step-by-step guide to developing a sustainable digital strategy.

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The ‘inside out’ leadership journey: How personal growth creates the path to success

McKinsey Public & Social Sector Insights

In a new book, four McKinsey senior partners show why leaders must connect with themselves first before they can inspire and empower their organizations.

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Communities step up their resilience and climate planning


COMMENTARY | A county in Florida is leveraging federal funding to reduce carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency in public buildings and invest in renewable energy infrastructure.


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3D visualization predicts hurricane damage before it happens


By applying this technology to coastal communities or community buildings, such as schools and stores, researchers can help residents and officials create a plan for hurricane season.

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Barrett & Greene

Over more than 30 years of covering state and local government, we can’t recall ever talking to a public sector manager who loved going to meetings. They may occasionally enjoy them, and they know that they need them. But, on the whole, the complaint that we hear most frequently goes something like this: “I’m spending so much time in meetings that I can’t get my work done.

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Celebrating Pride Month


From Thao Jones-Hill: “A life where I don’t have to be anyone other than exactly who I am. With all my twists and turns of what ‘who I am’ means.” […] The post Celebrating Pride Month appeared first on OpenGov.

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A new (old) publishing trend

Princeton Public Library

Centuries ago, the edges of the pages of a book were sometimes decorated in gold leaf, abstract designs, or even tiny paintings as The post A new (old) publishing trend appeared first on Princeton Public Library.

Books 52
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A Guide For Everyone: Accessibility & Inclusivity Inspection Handbook

Dive into this comprehensive guide to inclusivity and accessibility! This handbook equips you with indispensable insights and practical strategies to ensure every space welcomes all. Whether you're an inspector, designer, or municipal employee, streamline compliance with regulations while fostering genuine inclusivity. From detailed checklists to case studies, we cover every aspect, empowering you to create environments that prioritize accessibility without compromising service.

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Key Trends in Grant Funding

Grant Training Center

In recent months, several trends have emerged in the landscape of grant procurement, reflecting both ongoing challenges and new opportunities. These include: Increasing emphasis on grants that address pressing societal issues, such as climate change, public health, and social inequality. For example, there has been a surge in grants for renewable energy research, community health initiatives and programs aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion in various fields.

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Enterprise risk management and strategic foresight: A toolset for identifying and managing emerging risks

Partnership for Public Service

Strategic foresight has been used across large corporations and different governments to support strategic planning, manage emerging risks and remain competitive. Given the growing use of foresight in our government and its presence in a recent Office of Management and Budget directive, the Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte & Touche LLP held a virtual working session on Feb. 26, 2024, that explored the potential benefits and use cases of strategic foresight as a risk management too

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Reimagining customer experience with AI-powered conversational service discovery

AWS Public Sector Blog

The Executive Order on Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government requires the design and delivery of services in a manner that people of all abilities can navigate. The executive order calls for the use of technology to modernize government and implement services. These services should be simple to use, accessible, equitable, protective, transparent, and responsive for all people of the United States.

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How Cities Can Prepare Now to Meet New PFAS Drinking Water Regulations 

NLC (National League of Cities)

With the Biden Administration finalizing new PFAS drinking water regulations for municipalities, it is time for local leaders to begin working with their water utilities.

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7 Signs Your Local Government ERP Is Holding You Back: A Guide for Small Municipalities

Local governments and municipalities serving populations under 200,000 face distinctive challenges in delivering efficient and effective services to their communities. To overcome these challenges, many rely on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems tailored to their specific needs. Not all ERP systems are created equal, and some may hinder progress rather than support it.