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The Benefits of Automation for Constituent Identity Verification

Government Technology Insider

When constituent services and benefit programs moved their application processes online, they were made far more accessible to malicious actors – we found this out during the COVID-19 pandemic. This results in many cases requiring a mix of automated and manual reviews of constituent applications. That’s something we need to change.

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Designing an Accessible and Equitable Experience for Constituents Accessing Unemployment Insurance

Government Technology Insider

For UI, this means that communication with constituents should include a path of action. For example, after a constituent has filed a claim, they should receive a message that thanks the applicant, validates the action, and summarizes the encounter.

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Better Communications Tops Data To-Do List


Census Bureau offers up an abundance of data that state and local agencies can use to gain insights into the shifting demographics of their constituencies, and to shape policies and programs accordingly. You need to craft data-driven narratives that connect with the intended audience, whether government officials, legislators or constituents.

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Indiana BMV Builds on Three Pillars to Drive up CX


The number jumped in 2020 and 2021 (the most recent year for which stats are available), first because of COVID restrictions and then staffing shortages. From a constituent perspective, such behavior diminishes trust in government as a whole, Deloitte found. In 2019, the average visit time was 13 minutes, 4 seconds.

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How the City of Canton worked with Wi-Fiber to build a safer and more connected community

AWS Public Sector Blog

In 2020, the City of Canton, Ohio set out to build a better, safer, and more connected community. In 2020, Canton’s chief of police, Jack Angelo, wanted to extend public safety monitoring city-wide, saying “Eventually our goal is to have most all of the city covered,” by using Wi-Fiber’s extensive broadband mesh network.

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Omnichannel Customer Service Helps Agencies Adapt to New Demands


Now comes the hard part: keeping pace with constituents who’ve loved what they’ve seen and are looking for more. In 2020, GHVP partnered with Zendesk to streamline and centralize its communications as well as support employees and agencies across the state. Managing Multiple Channels.

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Automate document processing with Document AI for government

Google Public Sector

Agency leaders can use Document AI to help process paper and images at scale to better deliver services to their constituents. Document AI applicability across functions Since its launch in 2020, Document AI has seen wide adoption by government agencies including the State of Hawaii.