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New Report on Ten Years of Land Banking in New York Offers Compelling Metrics of Success, Useful Lessons, and a Lot of Inspiration

Center for Community Progress

After New York passed this landmark land bank-enabling legislation, I worked with County and local officials to help establish the Broome County Land Bank in 2012, one of the first land banks in the state. Click here to learn more about our services and approach.

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How the Tri-COG Land Bank is Transforming Vacant Properties in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

Center for Community Progress

By: Liz Kozub I got my start in transforming vacant properties in 2012 as an intern for the City of East McKeesport, Pennsylvania, a dense community of just over 2,000 residents with tremendous community pride. I went house-to-house with a clipboard documenting the conditions of vacant properties that dotted its beautiful brick streets.

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How NPOs and NGOs embrace digital transformation for sustainability with AWS

AWS Public Sector Blog

Working closely with local communities, they foster sustainable practices and build capacity for environmental stewardship. They often lead and implement projects aimed at conserving natural habitats and restoring degraded ecosystems.

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CRA Podcast Episodes

CRA Today

Ecology: Benefits or lessens impact on the natural world by improving stewardship of natural resources, or reducing energy use, waste, pollution, or materials use. Klein assumed the leadership of BOI (formerly FIELD) in 2012, after working as a senior consultant since the program’s inception in 1998.

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Technical Leadership Needs Advance The Politics-Administration Dichotomy

Public Policy Blog

In 2012, Patrick Overeem wrote a forensic investigation [a la CSI-style] book hinting to a comeback in the making, particularly in the United States. Overeem, Patrick (2012). Campbell, C., & Peters, B. The politics/administration dichotomy: Death or merely change? Governance, 1 (1), 79-99. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0491.1988.tb00060.x.