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2023 reading list and commentary

I’ve been actively seeking out non-binary authors and trying to read print a little more. average read per month: 9.5 average read per week: 2.2 The always-updated booklist, going back to 1997, lives at and it has its own RSS feed.

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2021 reading list and commentary

Previous summaries: 2020 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017 , 2016 , 2015 , 2014 , 2013 , 2012 , 2011 , 2010 , 2009 , 2007 , 2006 , 2005 , 2004. Here are stats for the books that I finished. average read per month: 9.6. average read per week: 2.2. number read in worst month: 6 (February). number unfinished: 0.

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2022 reading list and commentary

Previous summaries: 2021 , 2020 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017 , 2016 , 2015 , 2014 , 2013 , 2012 , 2011 , 2010 , 2009 , 2007 , 2006 , 2005 , 2004. I’m also retiring my “people of color/non-Western” category only because it relies too much on surface impressions/names. average read per month: 12.

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Revisiting the 11th Street Bridge Park project as an opportunity rather than a folly: a new revitalization agenda for East of the River, DC

Rebuilding Place in Urban Space

Also see " A National Mall-focused heritage (replica) streetcar service to serve visitors is a way bigger idea than a parking garage under the Mall ," 2013. The student asked me about the equitable development plan , which I wasn't involved in developing It has a bunch of points. I visited it back then and wasn't impressed.

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Gaps in Parks Master Planning, Part Six | Art(s) in the Park(s) as a comprehensive program

Rebuilding Place in Urban Space

Mexico border between 1993 and 2006. The Bilbao Garden, Balmori & Associates, 2011, International Garden Competition ( article ). In the chilling installation, “2487,” the artist, Luz Maria Sanchez, reads the names of the 2,487 people known to have lost their lives crossing the U.S.-Mexico

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Gaps in Parks Master Planning, Part Six | Art(s) in the Park(s) as a comprehensive program

Rebuilding Place in Urban Space

Mexico border between 1993 and 2006. The Bilbao Garden, Balmori & Associates, 2011, International Garden Competition ( article ). In the chilling installation, “2487,” the artist, Luz Maria Sanchez, reads the names of the 2,487 people known to have lost their lives crossing the U.S.-Mexico

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Social Media for Social Good: What role does social media play in creation of and sustainability of social movements? A Social Movement Case Study Examining Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party.

Public Policy Blog

Prolific proponent of the networked society Manuel Castells (2011) describes mass media being displaced by mass self-communication (Deluca, Lawson, & Sun, 2012) in altering the communication model from one-to-one to many-to-many. 2011; Aday, et al., 2013; Bennett, Breunig, & Givens, 2008). A study by Vragara et al.,